It takes an expert in both insurance and the boat industry to put together a good policy. Sanguineti Yacht has the necessary expertise to offer you the best insurance product on the market.

Why take out insurance
with us

We combine great insurance experience with yachting experience to put together a comprehensive, secure, transparent policy at the lowest possible price. Relying on solid companies such as Allianz and Groupama combined with more than 20 years of experience from R.U.I.-registered insurance sub-agents safeguards your investment from any problem or accident that may occur.


Liability policy

The liability (Civil Liability) policy insures damages that your unit may cause to third parties. The limits and guarantees in the policies offered by our companies will adequately protect you

Bodies Policy

The bodies (Kasco) policy covers damage to your vessel due to any accident. Damage suffered at the mooring due to bad weather or stormy seas, impacts at sea, hull damage, total or partial loss of the boat.

Do you want to sell your boat?

We can help you choose the right solution for your needs.
Contact us for a tailor-made quote or a free, no-obligation consultation

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